Health Policy
Morrinsville Kids is required by law to keep a copy of the Certificate of Immunisation. This doesn’t mean that you child has to be immunised - just that we know their immunisation status. Please ensure you bring this either at the time of enrolment or on their first day.
Due to the risk of infection, we are unable to care for children who are sick. Please refer to the exclusion due to illness policy for illnesses that your child must be excluded for and the period of exclusion [see at the end of this booklet]. Please be considerate to other children and their families if your child is showing sign of illness – it is important that we keep everyone as happy and healthy as possible. A doctor’s clearance may be requested for communicable illnesses.
If it is necessary for us to contact you because your child is ill, please make every effort to collect your child as soon as possible. While waiting for you, your child will be kept isolated from the other children in the office or another appropriate area that is isolated but still in constant supervision and care.
Medication of children
Please ensure that you had any medication your child may need to a staff member each day [medication cannot be left in children’s bags]. You MUST complete the medication register daily in order for staff to be able to administer this medication. We are unable to give medication to your child without this written authority. All medication must be clearly labelled with the child’s name, dosage and time of medication.
Please note: that staff reserve the right to request the parent to seek a medical prescription if the medication has not been prescribed by a doctor and dosage recorded is outside of recommended dosage for age or weight of the child or the length of time the child has been on this medication is over the recommended timeframe. Pamol or such like medications are not to be used to ‘mask’ underlying symptoms of illness. If your child requires such medication you will also be required to state the symptom that this medication is for. Please see Medication of Children policy at the end of this booklet.
Sun safe
We take sun safety very seriously as children’s skin can burn easily – We will apply sunscreen after lunch to children who attend all day but it is expected that the first application will have been made at home to protect your child during the morning. We will supply this sunscreen however if you wish to bring your own sunscreen please advise a staff member and ensure that the bottle is named and a ‘suitable’ sun block . Your child will be required wear an approved sun hat during the sun safe months - being September to April [day light saving months].
Learning to use the toilet is an important development milestone the commonly occurs during the years children are in ‘out-of-home’ care. Parents and the centre staff can be partners and support each other during this transition process.
If you child is in the process of toilet training, it will be more successful if s/he is dressed in appropriate clothes such as pants with elastic waist. The more the children can do themselves the more successful they feel. Please make sure your child always has a change of clothes – or two – several undies - with his or her name clearly marked on them. We will liaise with you on this process so that together we can support your child to succeed with this process.
Morrinsville Kids is required by law to keep a copy of the Certificate of Immunisation. This doesn’t mean that you child has to be immunised - just that we know their immunisation status. Please ensure you bring this either at the time of enrolment or on their first day.
Due to the risk of infection, we are unable to care for children who are sick. Please refer to the exclusion due to illness policy for illnesses that your child must be excluded for and the period of exclusion [see at the end of this booklet]. Please be considerate to other children and their families if your child is showing sign of illness – it is important that we keep everyone as happy and healthy as possible. A doctor’s clearance may be requested for communicable illnesses.
If it is necessary for us to contact you because your child is ill, please make every effort to collect your child as soon as possible. While waiting for you, your child will be kept isolated from the other children in the office or another appropriate area that is isolated but still in constant supervision and care.
Medication of children
Please ensure that you had any medication your child may need to a staff member each day [medication cannot be left in children’s bags]. You MUST complete the medication register daily in order for staff to be able to administer this medication. We are unable to give medication to your child without this written authority. All medication must be clearly labelled with the child’s name, dosage and time of medication.
Please note: that staff reserve the right to request the parent to seek a medical prescription if the medication has not been prescribed by a doctor and dosage recorded is outside of recommended dosage for age or weight of the child or the length of time the child has been on this medication is over the recommended timeframe. Pamol or such like medications are not to be used to ‘mask’ underlying symptoms of illness. If your child requires such medication you will also be required to state the symptom that this medication is for. Please see Medication of Children policy at the end of this booklet.
Sun safe
We take sun safety very seriously as children’s skin can burn easily – We will apply sunscreen after lunch to children who attend all day but it is expected that the first application will have been made at home to protect your child during the morning. We will supply this sunscreen however if you wish to bring your own sunscreen please advise a staff member and ensure that the bottle is named and a ‘suitable’ sun block . Your child will be required wear an approved sun hat during the sun safe months - being September to April [day light saving months].
Learning to use the toilet is an important development milestone the commonly occurs during the years children are in ‘out-of-home’ care. Parents and the centre staff can be partners and support each other during this transition process.
If you child is in the process of toilet training, it will be more successful if s/he is dressed in appropriate clothes such as pants with elastic waist. The more the children can do themselves the more successful they feel. Please make sure your child always has a change of clothes – or two – several undies - with his or her name clearly marked on them. We will liaise with you on this process so that together we can support your child to succeed with this process.